Types of Alternative Energy
The Main Types of Alternative Energy Sources
Alternative Energy is defined primarily as a renewable and sustainable source of energy. But there are many different types of alternative energy sources, including renewable energy and other forms of low-carbon technologies available.
Unlike vast hydro dams and reservoirs, the more innovative forms of renewable energy technologies reduce their impact on the environment and so are better suited to those countries with vast wind, solar, biomass or other renewable energy resources. But first let us start by stating exactly what “can not” be classed or defined as a “type of alternative energy”.
Nuclear Power
Nuclear power is NOT a type of alternative energy – While it is true that nuclear energy is a cleaner alternative to burning fossil fuels and that nuclear power plants do not pollute the air with poisonous carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide or nitrogen oxide emissions as do fossil fuels.
The use of nuclear power still falls into the category of fossil fuels, the same as coal, so cannot be classed as a type of alternative energy. Uranium supplies are a natural Earth resource which are being depleted like coal every day, making them more expensive to extract and process as time goes by.
The processing of nuclear material and nuclear power plants produce radioactive waste which can give rise to environmental disasters. Also, nuclear is not a viable solution for transportation or can used domestically. So while nuclear energy represents a shift away from burning conventional fossil fuels it is more a traditional form of energy, not an alternative form.
Fossil Fuel Efficiency
Increasing fossil fuel efficiency is NOT a type of alternative energy – It is a reality that fossil fuels will continue to be an important energy resource for decades to come. Reducing the amount of greenhouse gases dumped into our atmosphere by burning fossil fuels more cleanly.
Efforts are being made to developing clean coal technologies by improving the way we use and burn fossil fuels making them a more efficient source of power generating releasing little or no carbon dioxide gases. For example storing toxic emissions underground, may be an improvement on the current situation but it is not an alternative to the different types of alternative energy available.
Sustainable Wood
Burning wood instead of coal is NOT a type of alternative energy – While it is true that wood is a non-fossil but renewable (trees grow) combustion fuel, burning wood creates smoke, ash, soot and more mess than other types of combustible fuels put together.
Burning wood in open fires is inefficient and very smoky, releasing large amounts of particulates into the atmosphere as the type of wood being burnt is usually of poor quality, freshly cut, damp or is scrap wood due to the fact that the higher quality virgin woods and lumber are used in building construction or for making furniture.
The burning of wood for energy results in large scale deforestation, degradation of the land and even illegal logging as vast areas of woods and forests are cut down.
As the cutting down of trees for firewood disturbs the natural ecosystem and habitats of the animals which themselves may become endangered or extinct before we know it. Then while burning wood may be a sustainable solution, it is not an alternative to the different types of alternative energy sources available.
On the positive side, sustainable forest management and techniques ensures adequate supplies of fuel wood as new trees are planted once the old ones are cut down in an attempt to re-stock the open land. Wood pellets and wood briquettes are dry, compressed Biomass fuels made from waste sawdust, shavings, wood chips, and other woodland waste formed from the residues and by-products of the mechanical wood processing industry.
When used as a heating fuel, these processed woody materials produce more energy than conventional fuel wood. Also improvements in combustion furnaces and wood burning stoves reduce expenditure on fuel wood usage as well as processing loose wood, chippings, sawdust and other forms of woody materials into smaller compacted wood pellets.
Now that hopefully we have a better understanding of what are not alternative energies, let’s look at what are the different types of alternative energy sources.
Alternative Energy Types and Definitions
Then basically, alternative energy sources are types of energy fuels that can be used instead of and as an alternative to, burning traditional fossil fuels with the 7 most common types of alternative energy sources being:-
1. Solar Energy – Solar energy is the main type of alternative energy sources. It is the radiant electromagnetic energy derived from sunlight and as such is the earth’s most abundant and freely available renewable energy resource. The solar energy from the sun can be converted into electrical energy by using solar photovoltaic cells. The suns energy can be used to produce an alternative source of energy sometimes known as Solar Power… Learn More about Solar Energy >>
2. Solar Thermal Water – Solar heating is another alternative energy source that uses the thermal energy of the sun to heat water by means of a “Solar Thermal Collector”. This solar collector is often sited on a roof which in turn converts the heat from the sun into hot water or is used to help heat a room or space. Unfortunately the demands of the average solar heating system are at their highest when the sun is at its weakest, during the night… Learn More about Solar Thermal >>
3. Wind Energy – Wind energy is power or energy derived from the movement of the wind. Kinetic energy from the movement of the wind is captured by windmills, sails, and more commonly wind turbines. Turbine generators harness the power of the wind by converting its kinetic energy into rotational mechanical energy which is then used to drive an electrical generator. The electrical generator in turn converts this mechanical energy into electricity. Excess electricity can be stored in batteries and used when there is no wind… Learn More about Wind Energy >>
4. Hydro Energy – Hydro energy is the most commercially available type of alternative energy resource that uses the energy or power produced by moving water. The most common form of hydro energy or hydro power uses dams or barriers to form large reservoirs of water which can then be used to rotate electrical turbine generators producing electricity. Small scale hydro systems uses the rotational movement of water wheels to drive small DC generators… Learn More about Hydro Energy >>
5. Tidal Energy – Tidal energy is another form of hydro power which uses the movement of the worlds oceans as the tide move huge amounts of water twice a day. These tidal currents are used by tidal turbine generators to generate electricity in much the same way as wind turbines use the wind. Tidal energy turbines operate just below the seas surface or are fixed to the sea bed. Another type of tidal system uses tidal barrages to generate electricity… Learn More about Tidal Energy >>
6. Geothermal Energy – Geothermal is a types of alternative energy source that uses the natural heat from the Earth’s core to generate electricity or to heat buildings. A good example of geothermal heat is in the form of hot springs or geysers that eject heated water or steam. Geothermal energy comes from the hot areas under the surface of the Earth crust that remain at a relatively constant temperature. This buried heat is extracted using a series of… Learn More about Geothermal Energy >>
7. Biomass Energy – Biomass refers to the solid fuel made from plant based materials such as wood, peat, straw and energy crops grown specifically to be burnt as a fuel. Bioenergy is the energy derived from the Biomass (organic matter) which is sustainable as new crops and trees are grown to replace those that have been harvested. Generally biomass is carbon neutral because the carbon released when combusted is offset by the carbon removed from the atmosphere… Learn More about Biomass Energy >>
Types of Alternative Energy Sources Summary
With over 80% of the worlds energy supply coming from fossil fuels because they are convenient and relatively cheap to produce and transport, different types of alternative energy sources are now being used. But burning fossil fuels in the form of coal and petrol releases harmful carbon dioxide into the atmosphere resulting in Global Warming and the Green House Effect due to atmospheric pollution.
Depleting fossil fuel resources and increasing environmental pollution has led to the research of Alternative Energy Sources with the basic concept of alternative energy being sustainability, renewability and a reduction in the amount of global pollution produced.
Most of these types of alternative energy sources and renewable energy technologies are not new. For centuries people have harnessed the power of running water in rivers and streams for a variety of needs, particularly for farming and transport.
Water wheels and windmills have been used for thousands of years to grind corn or flour to make bread and a variety of different foods. Even passive solar energy to warm homes and dry clothes. While some forms of these types of alternative energy sources are really improvements of long-existing technologies, others are genuinely new, such as bioenergy and solar panels.
Either way, the 7 types of alternative energy sources discussed here are a step in the right direction for clean energy production. But there’s no clear winner in our race to replace traditional fossil fuels. But as the cost of energy continues to rise, so too will the demand for a cleaner alternative source of energy.
It’s interesting to know that there are a lot of different types of alternative energy, and that there are a lot of benefits to each one. Like when it comes to biomass energy, it can help with generating heat and power. To me it’s great to know that there are different things that will help keep the world a better place, and create more energy for people to use.
very informative article. Thanks for sharing.