Alternative Energy Tutorials Tag: green energy

Eco-friendly Garden Watering

Water Sprinkler

Eco-friendly ways of garden watering and tips to help care for both your lawn and the environment at the same time. While gardening is a relating and enjoyable part of owning a home, it is by nature an eco-friendly activity as well. Installing rainwater harvesting barrels and butts will not only save on water, but also prevent erosion and flooding. Waste water can be used to give your garden and lawn a soaking during the coolest part of the day, allowing the water to seep into the ground before it evaporates

Rainwater Harvesting

rainwater harvesting

Rainwater harvesting is a sustainable strategy that saves and reuses rainwater for use in the garden or home reducing the demand on clean drinking water. Rainwater and storm water runoff from roofs or impermeable paved areas is collected in rainwater tanks or containers for consumption in the garden. Rainwater harvesting is dependent on both run-off area and the environmental weather conditions of the collected rain water but rainwater harvesting continues to be a sustainable solution for most gardeners.

Freshwater Production


Freshwater production technologies can help sustain all the life here on Earth with access to clean drinkable freshwater supplies being a major human need. Water is the most essential ingredient for our bodies so having access to fresh clean drinking water is vital. Desalination plants and large scale solar stills are being installed and used all over the world in order to satisfy the freshwater demand in countries where access to fresh clean drinking water can sometimes be a challenge

Get Closer to an Off Grid Home

roof solar panels

If you’re considering the many options available to reduce your home’s dependence on fossil fuels such as coal and gas, chances are you’re one of the few that has looked seriously at installing solar panels. If you drive either a hybrid or entirely electric car (or use public transit and/or bikes and walking) and are compulsive about minimizing energy use wherever possible, whether that be by switching off lights, taking short showers, or unplugging unused appliances, then an off-grid option may be for you

Waste To Energy Conversion

waste to energy

Waste to Energy Conversion reduces the environmental impact of sending municipal waste to landfill. Better solid waste management systems around the world are now extracting the energy from waste materials by thermal or biological means to generate electricity. The management and treatment of solid waste by thermal pyrolysis and gasification technologies is the economically viable approach for the management of solid wastes. Biochemical and biological technologies which use living organisms and microbes is more suited to liquid slurry wastes allowing waste energy to be a form of recycled energy

Save Money By Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

roof solar panels

Save money by reducing your carbon footprint emissions by using renewable energy sources to heat and cool your home. Solar water heating using thermal solar panels, replacing old and costly lighting with modern LED lights, or insulating your walls and roof space, all help to reduce the amount of energy your home consumes.

Energy Efficiency

roof solar panels

Energy efficiency is about more than just switching off a few lights at home its about being aware of your homes energy consumption and changing your behaviour to save energy. Technology plays a part in all our lives but there are many systems available today that use technology in our homes and buildings to reduce their energy costs. Smart building automation, heating and ventilation systems can allow for lower energy consumption and energy savings campared to older systems. Improvements in LED lighting, windows, thermal insulation of walls and roof spaces can all help to reduce heat loss

Your Roof as an Energy Saving Feature

living roof garden image

Turning your roof into an energy saving feature is not as crazy as it sounds. Green roofs have many energy-saving and environmental benefits as well as helping to manage stormwater, provide shade, control temperatures, reduce airborne emissions and provide a green outdoor environment for wildlife and birds. Greening your roof with a layer of vegetation helps form a barrier to the sun’s radiation preventing high indoor temperatures and with a green roof’s soil and vegetation layer absorbing and filtering rain water, turning your roof into a green roof increases its energy performance and limits stormwater runoff

Alternative Energy and the Environment

stand alone pv system

Alternative Energy technologies are a way for the future planet to secure clean and efficient sources of energy. Solar energy is by far the most resourceful source of energy for the future but over the last decades there has been a flurry of activities in the field of alternative energy and renewable energy technology to reduce our dependence on traditional fossil fuels. Alternative energy is the generic name used to encompass everything that is not based on fossil fuel consumption with solar, wind, biomass, and marine technologies being the major ones. These alternative energy sources offer a green, clean and sustainable future but at what cost to the environment

Types of Alternative Energy

types of alternative energy

There are many different types of alternative energy sources available from solar, to wind, to hydro, with the term “alternative energy” being defined primarily as a renewable and sustainable source of energy. With depleting fossil fuel resources and an increasing environmental pollution has led to the research of different types of alternative energy sources to improve sustainability, renewability and the reduction in the amount of global pollution produced.