Alternative Energy Tutorials Tag: green energy

Net Zero Energy

net zero image

Net zero emissions refer to the balance between the amount of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted into the atmosphere and the amount that is removed. In simple terms, achieving net zero means that for every ton of carbon dioxide (CO2) or other greenhouse gases produced, an equivalent amount must be removed or offset through natural or technological processes.

Green Energy Resources

Green Energy Resources Image

Green energy resources refer to energy sources that are produced from renewable and sustainable resources, minimizing the negative impact on the environment. With growing concerns over climate change and the depletion of finite fossil fuel reserves, green energy has become crucial for a sustainable future. These resources include solar energy, wind power, hydroelectric energy, geothermal energy, and biomass energy

Passive Solar Energy

roof solar panels

Passive solar design increases energy efficiency and comfort in homes. Sunlight can supply ample heat, light, and shade into a well-designed home without the need for HVAC machines and as such designing your home to use passive solar can reduce your heating and cooling energy bills. Passive solar energy design is nothing new but by designing the layout of your home with the sun in mind will make it more energy efficient, comfortable, and affordable

Energy Saving Tips

energy saving tips

Energy saving tips are always a good idea as it can help you to be more energy efficient reducing your energy bills. But energy saving isn’t about not turning on your heating, or cooling systems, its about using what you have in more efficient ways. Simple energy saving tips such as turn off lights not being used, Replace conventional light bulbs with efficient light bulbs, use the winter sunlight to heat your home and keep it out in the summer, clean or replace old filters and insulation, all are simple can do energy saving tips to help you reduce your energy costs

Green Building Materials

green building materials

Green Building Materials Green Building Materials Most parts of the world are More

Energy Conservation

energy conservation

Energy Conservation is about reducing your homes energy usage by designing a more energy-efficient building. Lowering a buildings utility bills not only saves you money but benefits the environment, and makes for a more comfortable home. Energy efficient and renewable energy components such as upgrading lighting circuits and fixtures to LED, strategic insulation and glazing to reduce your homes peak heating and cooling demands, or the installtion of solar photovoltaic panels, all add towards a more energy efficient home

Solar Cookers

solar dish cooker

Solar cookers and ovens use the thermal energy of the sun to cook food. Traditionally cooking food outdoors requires stoves and wood as fuel, but climate-friendly solar cookers do not burn non-renewable charcoal or firewood resulting in zero CO2 emissions and less smoke, soot and ash. Solar box cookers and ovens use a free, and effectively inexhaustible source of thermal energy from the sun to cook food inside at high temperatures. Solar irradiance plays a vital role in cooking with the sun, so its only cloudy dull days that restricts the use of solar box cookers

Grey Water Recycling


Grey water and wastewater recycling has many uses in both the home and garden. With increased pressure on the world’s freshwater sources, climate change, population growth and water scarcity, there is a growing need to manage water resources in a more sustainable manner. The use of recycled water which was previously considered unusable has become an increasingly important source of water for irrigation and garden use. Waste water collected from roofs, showers, baths, washbasins, and washing machines can all be reused as greywater both reducing the amount of freshwater consumption, but also the volume of water discharged into the sewerage system

Hydrogen Energy

hydrogen energy gas

Hydrogen energy from a renewable energy perspective is a low-carbon energy supply we can use to power our homes and cars. Green hydrogen is a clean energy source which can play an important role in reducing the global requirements of fossil fuels. The use of hydrogen energy can provide the bridge between the variable output from solar photovoltaics and wind turbines as well as becoming a lowest-cost option for storing large quantities of electrical energy. Hydrogen and hydrogen-based transportation fuels can help transport renewable energy sources over longer distances

Solar Still Water

solar still diy

Solar Still is one of the best and most economical ways to distill water using the sun’s solar energy. The simplicity of the solar still is that produces clean water for drinking, cooking, and other such domestic purposes by using the sun’s solar radiation to evaporate and condensate dirty or salty water onto an inclined glass plate without the need for filters or electricity